Apply For A Job

Hey guys,

I am hiring authors, graphic designers, etc. to work on my site.
So, if you want a job on my blog, just email the answers to these questions to, or you can just comment the answers.

  1. What's your penguin name?
  2. What's your Twitter?
  3. What's your timezone?
  4. What country do you live in?
  5. What's your website, or what is a website you work on?
  6. When did you start playing Club Penguin?
  7. Give a link to 2 of your posts; must be real Club Penguin cheats - not parties, etc.
  8. Would you consider yourself, famous and/or an expert of Club Penguin?
  9. What kind of job do you want? Graphic Designer, author, etc.
Well, I'm back! :) Oh. by the way, you should follow me on Twitter! @Twinkle17665

CPS Owner


  1. Penguin name: Crazyp01

    Twitter: CPcrazyp01

    What's your timezone: PST

    Country: Canada

    My Website:

    Other Websites: none

    When did you start playing Club Penguin: 5 years ago

    Link to two posts: Not now...

    Would you consider yourself, famous and/or an expert of Club Penguin: I consider myself famous, as I get a huge croud when I get on.

    What kind of job do you want: Graphics, Templates, Coding, Admin, Widgets

  2. You have been accepeted! Please check your email.

  3. Hey there!

    You have been accepted to work with me in Club Penguin Starz.

    Isn't your blog
    It didn't work. Anyways, what would you like for you Staff bio? And please send me a picture of your Penguin (custom penguin, etc).

  4. What's your penguin name? -Gabififi1

    What's your Twitter? -Gabififi1
    What's your timezone? -pst

    What country do you live in? -USA

    What's your website, or what is a website you work on?

    When did you start playing Club Penguin? -Long time ago maybe at about 2007

    Give a link to 2 of your posts; must be real Club Penguin cheats - not parties, etc.

    Would you consider yourself, famous and/or an expert of Club Penguin? -Im preeot good at alot of things on cp

    What kind of job do you want? Graphic Designer, author, etc.


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